Sometimes you don't need full design services, you just need someone to make some scale drawings. Whether you're looking to submit your own planning application, just need an electrical or drainage plan for your current design, or want floorplans to sell your house, I can help! I am happy to provide measured surveys and scale drawings of your existing house. I can also work off your sketches to provide drawings of your own proposed design suitable for planning applications or to share your vision with your builder.

Types of drawings available

  • Full Planning Permission packages

  • Floorplans

  • Elevations

  • Location plans

  • Block plans/ site plans

  • Sections

  • Detail drawings

  • Electrical & lighting plans

  • Drainage plans

...need something else? Not sure what you need? Just ask!

All drawings are produced using CAD software and can be made to any scale required. Finished drawings are provided as PDF or DWG files, or hardcopy upon request.

What is a measured survey?

To make sure that your drawings are done to scale, it's important to have accurate measurements of your house. A measured survey is simply the process of taking those measurements. This isn't always as straightforward as it sounds, because it is very rare to find any house where are the walls are perfectly square! Ideally, the person who is producing your designs should be the one to carry out your measured survey. I find the process of taking the measurements helps me become familiar with all the individual quirks and details of a property. This informs my designs and ensures the finished product works with your existing house, rather than fighting against it.